AFC Online Poker Club


Yes, AFC Poker Club has goals.

Three of them.

  • Connection
  • Challenge
  • Fun

Goal 1 – Connection

This is the primary focus of AFC Poker Club and always has been.

Much more than the poker itself which is effectively a tool we use to connect, challenge and have a bit of fun, the most important objective is connection – catching up with friends, meeting people & keeping in touch.

Through this thing many of us have reconnected with old friends we’d lost touch with for many years.

Goal 2 – Challenge

Poker is actually a beautifully simple but also a beautifully strategic and complex game.

It’s challenging on many levels and that challenge makes it intellectually stimulating, interesting and fun.

It’s simple in terms of the rules and how to play – anyone can learn to play quite quickly.

It is strategic and complex because learning the rules is just the start, that enables you to play but then pitting your wits against other players and understanding the nuances of the game are where it gets really interesting. It is a game which literally has huge elements of strategy and psychology at the heart of it. Add this challenge to an environment where you’re playing with friends who you know in a completely different context (from work, a sports team, another social group… you name it) and it gets even more interesting seeing and playing against those friends in a new and different way.

Goal 3 – Fun

It’s really great fun.

Fun because the game itself is fun and also fun because the setup which has been designed very carefully and deliberately to be inclusive and accommodate beginners and experienced players alike (more on how we do this here).

Give it a go and see for yourself.